Wyoming Spring Ring
May 16-17, 2025 – Casper, Wyoming

Join Us at Wyoming Spring Ring in 2025!
Two days with clinician Cathy Moklebust, brings ringers together for a mass-ringing event in Casper, Wyoming.
Registration Form
Registration Fees
Registration – $75/member or $85/non-member
Registration fees includes Sat. morning pastries & muffins, yogurt & granola, fruit, coffee, tea, & juice
Not a member? Join here .
Lunch Cost
Lunch choices – includes coffee, iced tea, chef’s choice of dessert, tax & tip
- Baked Potato Bar – all the fixings plus garden salad with dressings – $16.50
- Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad – $18
Ramkota Hotel
Ramkota Hotel & Convention Center, 800 N. Poplar
(make your own room reservations)
Room Rates
$85 + Fees
Cathy Moklebust (b. 1958) has developed and directed handbell music programs since 1983 and
has played bells since childhood. With her dynamic, positive approach and skilled conducting, she
is in national demand as a handbell clinician and festival conductor. As one of today’s most
popular handbell music composers, she has written nearly 500 compositions and arrangements,
many of them reaching bestseller status. Her music has been described as “pure joy to ring and
listen to, having a uniquely delightful sense of melodic and rhythmic interaction, with elegant
form and style.” She has been commissioned to write music for festivals and other events, as
well as for many individual handbell ensembles, including nine for the Raleigh Ringers. Cathy’s
music has been broadcast on SiriusXM, Spotify, Pandora, and other digital music players.
Cathy earned both her B.A. (Music/Percussion, 1982) and M.Ed. (Teacher Education/Music,
1988) at South Dakota State University, in her hometown of Brookings, SD. She attended her
first handbell event as a high school student, when the Towers Handbell Choir participated in
the 1975 AGEHR National Handbell Festival in Logan, UT, under the director of the late Donald
Allured. Cathy and her husband reside in Brookings, SD. They have 4 grown children and 8
Friday, May 16, 2025
5:00 – 6:30 p.m. – Arrival, registration and set-up of tables and bells.
6:30 – 9:00 p.m. – Rehearsal
Saturday, May 17
8:30 – 10:30 Mass Rehearsal
10:30 – 11:00 – Break
11:00 – 12:00 – Class Session – “Malleting”
12:00 – 12:45 – Lunch
12:45 – 2:00 – Mass Rehearsal
2:30 Concert – There is no admission charge, but a free will offering will be accepted.
Break times and lunch will be used for the rehearsal of solo piece
Actual music must be present – copying copyrighted music is illegal.
Choirs and individuals are welcome to ring as many of the mass pieces as they wish.
Savior Like a Shepherd Lead Us (arr. Moklebust), Choristers Guild, CGB1369, 3-5 oct, Level 3
The Lord Now Sends Us Forth (arr. Moklebust), Choristers Guild, Level 2, CGB1330 (2-3 oct),
CGB1331 (3-5 oct), CGB1329 (Full Score), CGRP67 (Repro. Inst Pts – Latin perc, guitar)
How Can I Keep from Singing (arr. Moklebust), Hope 2690 (2-3 oct), Level 2+,2693 (3-5 oct),
Level 3
Blessed Assurance (arr. Cynthia Dobrinski), Lake State 90018, Jeffers 5216494, (3-5 oct)
Level 2+
Celebration (Fred Gramann), Lorenz 10028736, Level 2+, (3-5 oct.)
The concert will be May 27. Stay tuned for more details!
There is no admission charge, but a free will offering will be accepted.
Questions: Contact Carolyn Deuel, 307-267-8606