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Volume 17  •  Issue 4 •  Back to Bells 2024

Notes from the Chair

Greetings and Thank You to All,

As this is my last newsletter as Chair of Area 11, I am celebrating the past two years and the accomplishments of the board.

The festival in Salt Lake City was a big success and so many attended. Thank you, Anne Kleve, for acting as Festival Events Chair and for pulling together a great team of helpers and bell enthusiasts. Without that team the event couldn’t have happened.

All states had a Spring Ring with bigger attendance than the year before. Thank you to all State Spring Ring Event chairs, Lynne Storms in Arizona, Anne Kleve in Colorado, Nancy Roberts-Small in New Mexico, Andrew Smith in Utah and Carolyn Deuel in Wyoming.

Our Fall Tune-Up and Read and Ring are managed by our Area Sub-Chairs, Nancy Roberts-Small and Glen Hicks. These events couldn’t happen without many hosts in each state providing places and teaching classes.

We will be saying a huge thank you to Glen Hicks as Mountain States Sub-Chair and welcoming Sara Oedekoven to that position; to Paige Erickson as CHIME loan chair and welcoming Shirley Culp; to Katie Gant as Communications Chair and welcoming Nikki Evans; to Nathan Kleve as Youth Representative and welcoming Tessa Taylor.

Anne Kelley Anderson will be our Chair and Lynne Storms our Chair-Elect starting in September. Jill Persichetti will be with us for another two years as Treasurer and Nancy Roberts-Small will continue as Desert Sub-Chair, I will continue as Past Chair.

It has been an incredible experience getting to know so many of you and seeing the good work that is going on in Area 11. I am surprised at the willingness so many have to serve and further the art of handbells by continually learning and reaching out to bring in new people to be part of our community.

As I was driving away from the Hilton Hotel at the end of the festival, filled with so much joy from the experience of sharing, meeting new friends, and learning, I was filled with light and great hope for the future of handbells in our area. Thank you for being part of bringing that light.

Keep Ringing.

LeAnna Willmore, Area 11 Chair

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Fall Tune-Up

Come Tune-Up your Handbell Skills!

Area 11 invites you to a workshop for ringers of all ages! Registration Now Open

Saturday, September 14, 2024

9:00am to 12:00pm

Classes will vary by location.

Students $5; Members $10; Non-Member $12

Bulletin Board

Malmark Chimes for Sale - Arizona
6 Octave Malmark Chimes for Sale in Tucson, AZ – Contact Margi Zearly for more information
ISO: Director for Community Handbell Director - Denver, CO

Smithtonians Handbell Ensemble is in search of a new Director beginning fall of 2024, for our group of 13+ dedicated ringers, playing five octaves. The ensemble, composed of auditioned ringers with multiple years of experience, was founded 40 years ago and has performed primarily in the south Denver Metro area to a wide range of audiences. We have concert seasons in early December and early May, with weekly rehearsals excluding the summer months. We play a variety of pieces from our extensive library, from the classics to contemporary to the eclectic. Education of the audience, in not only the techniques of ringing handbells, but also imparting the traditions and love of ringing, is a meaningful part of our mission.  Contact Maribeth McKenna at [email protected].

ISO: Director for Church Ensemble in Johnstown, CO

The United Methodist Church of Johnstown, CO is seeking a handbell director starting this fall. Rehearsals are Wednesdays 6-7 PM and the group typically plays 2 pieces in worship the 3rd Sunday of each month as well as one service on Christmas Eve.

This is an active and growing congregation in a growing community. Mentoring is available through Area 11. 

Please contact the church at 970-587-4444 or [email protected].

Festival Recap

We are still reeling from the excitement and high of our 2024 Festival!  What marvelous music was performed.  Many thanks have been made to our clinicians: Kevin & Stevie, faculty, board, UT team, & equipment loaners.
Concert Videos:
Festival Concert 2024 (please Subscribe to our YouTube)
Claudette Rothwell was honored as our Ring of Fame inductee. And was our amazing equipment manager and sent over the stats for the weekend:
7 bell trees
28 individuals or choirs loaned equipment
642 feet of FOAM
780 bells/chimes in Massed Rehearsal room
GRAND TOTAL: 2185 bells and chimes for Festival
Andrew Smith is uploading MORE pictures into the HUB!
Stay Tuned for our next Areawide Events:
Camp 2025 in Granby, CO or Festival 2026 in Colorado

Thank You to those Leaving the Board!

CHIME Loan Program

NO JOKE, we have chimes to loan.  If you know someone that is interested in starting a chime choir, or maybe you’d like to try that yourself, we can help!  Area 11 has several sets of handchimes to loan.  Just head over to our CHIME Loan Program page and fill out an application!

Happy August!

Last month, I had the privilege to represent Area 11 at the annual Handbell Musicians of America National Seminar from July 9-13, 2024 in Hartford, CT. As I reflect on my experience representing our Area, I am filled with a profound sense of pride and gratitude. This year marked the 70th anniversary of an organization dedicated to the artistry of handbell and handchime ringing—a milestone that was celebrated with a harmonious blend of camaraderie, learning, and unforgettable performances.

Representing Area 11 at the seminar was a privilege and a joy. At our booth, we had the opportunity to showcase the vibrant tapestry of events and activities that our area has to offer. It was heartwarming to connect with so many familiar faces from our area and connect with other handbell enthusiasts from throughout the country. The spirit of collaboration and mutual support among the Area leaders was truly inspiring; it reinforced the sense of community that lies at the heart of handbell ringing.

One of the highlights of the seminar was the positive feedback we received from our national leaders regarding the events and initiatives in our Area. It’s moments like these that remind us of the importance of our roles as ambassadors for this beautiful musical tradition. Our Area covers a lot of land, and everyone was very impressed with the frequency and attendance of our events. None of our events would be possible without our site hosts, participants, and Board of Directors.

As I reflect on my experience at the 70th National Seminar, I am reminded once again of the power of music to unite, inspire, and uplift. The friendships forged and the knowledge gained during those five days in Hartford will undoubtedly resonate within me for years to come. I am immensely proud of our Area 11 community and deeply thankful for the opportunity to represent and contribute to our shared passion for the art of handbell and handchime ringing.

September marks a new chapter for our Board of Directors. As we head into our upcoming year, we need to continue to nurture and grow the art of handbell ringing in our communities, ensuring that future generations can experience the joy and beauty that we have come to cherish. Before closing out my last newsletter as Chair-Elect, I would like to highlight and thank our departing Board Members: Katie Gant (Communications), Glen Hicks (Mountain Sub-Area Chair), Anne Kleve (Past-Chair), and Paige Erickson (CHIME Loan Chair). Thank you for everything you have done to serve our area and the art of handbell and handchime ringing.

Love and Bells,

Anne Kelley

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News from National

College Ring-in will be held January 3-5, 2025, under the direction of conductor, Kathryn Jurado. This performance-focused event, designed for college-age and recent alumni handbell musicians ages 18-29, will be held at First United Methodist Church in Lakeland, FL. Participation is limited to 26 ringers, and early registration is encouraged.

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Upcoming Board Meetings

August 5, 2024 – 7:30pm MDT

September 6-8, 2024 in Denver, CO 

Newsletter Archive

Click here to see any of our previous newsletters starting from 2012.

Articles for Newsletter

Want to share an exciting experience or tips and tricks with our handbell community?

Deadline to add articles for the newsletter is the 25th of the previous  month.  Articles may be submitted  to the Communications Chair in .doc format and with an picture of the author in .jpg format.