Area 11 Events
If you would like to host an event please contact your Sub Area Chair
SPONSORED EVENTS are those run by Handbell Musicians officers or their event planners. In Area 11, these include Summer Youth Camp for young people 10 through 17 years old which is held in July of the odd numbered years, an Area 11 Festival/Conference held in June of the even numbered years and smaller events called Spring Rings held yearly, usually in March or April by the states or sub-areas within the states which make up Area 11. It also could include smaller events which might not be regularly scheduled.
National and international events are also sponsored events. They include National Seminar, Distinctly Bronze Events (East and West), Master Classes and others. Check the National Handbell Musicians of America pages for these.
ENDORSED EVENTS are run by individual members of Handbell Musicians of America who plan the event and submit their plan and budget to the National Board for endorsement. Endorsed events might include a Read and Ring event, or perhaps a smaller event planned for several church ensembles who would like to ring for each other along with some massed ringing pieces.