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Volume 15  •  Issue 5  •  Fall 2022

Notes from the Chair

Uniquely Area 11, Better Together

Greetings as your new chair of Area 11 board. We are off to a great start this fall and welcome new board members; Anne Anderson Kelley as Chair-Elect, Jill Persichetti as Treasurer, Glen Hicks as Sub-Mountain Chair, Nathan Kleve as Youth Representative and Lilly Hatch as Registrar.

Your Area 11 Board has had a jump start to a new season with a busy September. We first want to thank you all for supporting our efforts and helping to plan events that are unique to Area 11.

We had two exciting fall events, Ringers Round-up and Utah Fall Tune-up, where we had workshop opportunities for our seasoned ringers to improve skills and for beginning ringers to gain new skills. You may be wondering about these two separate events. The Utah Fall Tune-up was held on a different day to accommodate a dedicated group of teachers in Utah. Next year, we will hold both events on the second weekend of September and call the event Ringers Round-up.

At our annual fall board meeting, the board spent time on strategic planning and looking for ideas to get more people involved in handbell ringing. We designed an exciting composition contest to drum up a little friendly competition and highlight a composer from Area 11. We are looking for a handbell piece written especially for Area 11 to begin festivals, workshops, spring rings or other events. This unique composition will provide an opportunity to unify Area 11 when we come together and tie us together even when we are so far apart. Spread the word and get additional information on our website.

Another inspiring idea from our board meeting is our new feature of ensembles from across Area 11. In the Ensemble Spotlight, groups will share a photo and a little about how they are advancing the art of handbell ringing in their communities. This is a great opportunity to highlight area youth ensembles, church handbell choirs, and community groups. Check in on our website for your chance to see more!

We appreciate your time and dedication to Area 11. It takes a multitude of people to come together and run these events and there are so many of you that willingly host, teach, and make significant efforts at your own expense to provide a great service to handbells.

We are Better Together.

LeAnna Willmore

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Area 11 Camp

Ringing Through the Ages – June 11-15 2023

Snow Mountain Ranch, Grandby, CO

We’ve COMBINED our Young Ringers Camp AND our Adult Ringers Camp into ONE extraordinary camp for everyone of all ages(10+)!

Save the Date for this 5-day, 4-night event in the beautiful and refreshing Rocky Mountains of Colorado.  Throughout the week we will be ringing, participating in outdoor activities and have many chances to hang out with an amazing group of handbell musicians!

Meet the Clinicians

Ed Rollins

Ed Rollins

Columbia Handbell Ensemble

Columbia, Missouri

Barb Walsh

Barb Walsh

Tintabulations Handbell Ensemble

Reno, Nevada

Ensemble Spotlight

Area 11, Handbell Musicians of America is proud to spotlight ensembles that have made their mark (not mart!) in Area 11.

Thank you to these ensembles for their dedication to advancing the art of handbell ringing throughout Area 11.

Click on the pictures for more information on these great programs.

Church Handbell Choir

Bells of Praise

Youth Ensemble

Willowcreek Ringers

Community Group

Bells of the Rockies

Area 11 Composition Contest

Area 11 is hosting a Composition Contest to create an Area-wide Anthem. The winner of this competition will receive a $250.00 honorarium.

The composition must meet the following criteria:

  • Current or Former Resident of Area 11
  • Original Composition
  • 16 – 32 measures
  • Accessible to Bell Choirs of any level and range of handbells and/or handchimes
  • Upbeat
  • Can be used as a Concert Opener
  • Able to be memorized

The deadline to submit the composition is January 1, 2023. Please submit a PDF and an optional MIDI file with your submission.

Submissions and Questions can be sent to Area 11 Chair Elect

More Events in Area 11

February 11, 2023 – Super Bell Saturday XI

Coming soon is our 11th Annual Super Bell Saturday — a fun morning of sight reading music with the opportunity to buy the music.

Would you like to host or conduct at Super Bell Saturday?

Contact our Sub-Area Chairs for more information.


Super Bell Saturday Event Page

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Area 11 Bulletin Board

Malmark Chimes for Sale - Arizona

6 Octave Malmark Chimes for Sale in Tucson, AZ – Contact Margi Zearly for more information

Schulmerich Bells for Sale - Utah

3-octave set of Schulmerich bells in great condition with cases, library of music, and additional accessories available for sale in Centerville, Utah – Contact Peggy Saunders for more information.

Fall Flavors

Hello, Area 11!

My name is Anne Kelley (formally Anne Anderson) and I am the new Chair-Elect! I’m very excited to spend the next 6 years connecting with members and spreading the joy of Handbells to the 5 states in our incredible Area!

Last month, we had a wonderful time planning for the upcoming year at our annual board meeting. We have lots of great events coming up in the next few months for all genres, ages and settings! Whether you’re an academic, secular or sacred ringer, we have something for you!

September 22 marked the first day of Fall! This is my favorite time of the year as the temperature starts to decrease, leaves start to change, decorations are put up and seasonal flavors come out! From Apple Strudel to Pumpkin Spice—there are lots of delicious flavors to try these next two months. With these new flavors comes bravery and the courage to try new things.

While you enjoy the Fall flavors, I encourage you to reach out to someone who has never touched a bell and invite them to ring! As the weather cools down, this is also a great time to reconnect with old friends before the busy holiday season. If you’ve been thinking of a previous director or ringer, invite them to grab a warm drink or treat. Like the leaves, there are lots of great changes coming to our Area.

While you’re catching up on the seasonal flavors, check in and see if they’re a member of the AGEHR/HMA. If they’re hesitant about joining, at least encourage them to attend one of our upcoming Area events. Like my grandfather used to say, “You won’t know if you don’t like it until you try it.”

Enjoy the Fall Flavors and this upcoming season!

Love and Bells,

Anne Kelley

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News from National


National Seminar 2023

Join us at the Westin Irving Convention Center as Los Colinas in Irving, TX (part of DFW metroplex), for National Seminar 2023.

Event dates are Tuesday, July 11 through Saturday, July 15.

Pre-register with a $125 deposit by November 30, and freeze the registration fee at $350.

Also, those who opt for pre-registration will have the chance to register for the full event classes and tracks before everyone else. Full event registration will be available February 17, 2023.

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Upcoming Board Meetings

October 14th – 4pm MDT

November 11th – 8pm MST

Newsletter Archive

Click here to see any of our previous newsletters from 2012-2021.

Articles for Newsletter

Want to share an exciting experience or tips and tricks with our handbell community?

Deadline to add articles for the newsletter is the 25th of the previous  month.  Articles may be submitted  to the Communications Chair in .doc format and with an picture of the author in .jpg format.