Event Forms
Click on the name of the desired form to open it.
LOCAL EVENT FLYER – This colored flyer is designed to be run back to back. For presentation, it may be folded as an accordian style tri-fold with the handbell musicians logo section on the front. LOCAL EVENT FLYER. Same content as flyer above but the Black and White option may save some printing costs.
FORM FOR SUBMITTING CONCERT TO WEBSITE – Events that are sponsored or endorsed by Area 11 will be included on the Calendar and under the Events Tab. Concerts that are not sponsored or endorsed will only be listed on the Calendar. If you have any trouble typing on the form or sending the completed form, you may send all the necessary information by just typing it in a regular email to communications.area11@handbellmusicians.org.
VOUCHER– To be reimbursed for expenses you may have incurred with a previously approved project. This is a 2 page document. The first page is instructions for filling out and mailing the form. The second page is the form. The completed form with needed documentation should be sent to the Area 11 Chair for approval.
HANDCHIME Loan Information and Application – Six page application form. Print the application, complete it and mail to address on the form.
AREA 11 NOMINATION FORM – Two page form for nominating Chair-elect or Secretary/Treasurer.
AREA 11 Scholarship Request Form – This form is used to apply for Area 11 Festival scholarships.
TIME AND TALENT – Take a look at all the ways your help is needed in Area 11. Print, complete the form and send it to your Sub-Area chair. Get ready to make new friends when you volunteer and get involved!