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Volume 16  •  Issue 3  •  Summer 2023

Notes from the Chair

Because of handbells…

Spring has finally arrived in our Area 11 states. Most of our states have had successful Spring Rings and as I am writing, Wyoming ringers are joyfully ringing in their Spring Ring. Many of you are having Spring Concerts and have a regeneration of audiences supporting you.

Anne Kleve has taken on the role as Events Chair for our upcoming Area 11 Festival in June 2024. It will be in Salt Lake City. We appreciate her willingness to serve in this capacity. Keep a look out for information so you can come to Salt Lake City in 2024.

Our Area 11 Camp “Ringing Through the Ages” will take place June 11 – 15 at Snow Mountain Ranch, Granby, Co.

It isn’t too late to register for the National Seminar in Irving Texas July 11-15 at National Seminar Website. The Bells at Temple Square will be performing the evening concert on July 14. We are thrilled at the opportunity to be a performing group from Area 11.

The Area 11 board has been working hard for you. We video conference once a month with the goal in mind of creating events that teach, mentor and network. We are always considering how we can bring new members into our bell community. Please help us spread the word about the joy of bell ringing.

I have been thinking a lot about “Because of Handbells”. Because of Handbells I have had the opportunity to meet many bell music composers and conductors whether in person or through email communication. I have had the opportunity to meet many of you as I have taught conducting classes and have shared time with you in workshops, classes, and spring rings. I am better because of you, because of handbells.

LeAnna Willmore

Chair, Area 11

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Ringing Through the Ages

June 11-15, 2023

We can’t wait to see you at Snow Mountain Ranch. Registrants should check their emails for packing lists, check-in details, and more.

Contact [email protected] if you have any questions.

Ensemble Spotlight

Area 11, Handbell Musicians of America is proud to spotlight ensembles that have made their mark (not mart!) in Area 11.

Thank you to these ensembles for their dedication to advancing the art of handbell ringing throughout Area 11.

Click on the pictures for more information on these great programs.

Community Ensembles

Utah Valley Handbell Choir


We Are Thankful for You

We would like to express our sincerest thank you to Mary Moffett for all of her love and dedication to the Area 11 Board. Thank you for all your hard work and the amazing memories!

New Mexico Spring Ring Recap

On March 18, a small, but mighty group of handbell ringers gathered in Albuquerque, NM for the 2023 New Mexico Spring Ring event. Twenty-seven enthusiastic ringers from around the Albuquerque area were treated to a day of handbell camaraderie and learning, expertly facilitated by LeAnna Willmore, Area 11’s board chair and the handbell director for the Bells at Temple Square.

This Spring Ring, the first since 2015, opened with the traditional ringing of a bell. Ringers of all ages and experience levels, most of whom had never participated in a massed ringing event, worked together to bring their music to life. Many participants commented on how much more “challenging” it was to ring in a group setting, compared to ringing as an individual choir. Even so, people appeared to be enjoying this opportunity to learn something new. The improvement over the course of the day was marked. One could feel and hear the groups’ confidence levels rising as the music gelled.

By concert time, the ringers were ready! The audience was treated to the second-ever performance (Utah beat us to it) of Area 11’s new anthem, composed by Doug Benton. The musicians performed a mixed bag of musical delights – sacred, secular, pop, classics and handbell standards, as well as two very different, but well-played solos.

This Spring Ring was a good and respectable restart for New Mexico. As many handbell choirs are evaluating how to move forward, due to changing demographics, tastes and priorities, we look forward to embracing these changes as we make plans for next year’s New Mexico Spring Ring! Get ready, the word is out!

New Mexico handbell musicians thank LeAnna Willmore for her great teaching and gracious leadership at this year’s New Mexico Spring Ring!

Chime Loan Program

We have chimes sets that need homes.  If you know someone that teaches music or maybe directs a choir or a church choir, would you let them know about our chime loan program?
We loan out these sets of chimes FOR FREE!  What else can you get for free these days, maybe a glass of water or some unsolicited advice?  Well, these sets are honestly truly being lent out for free.
One of our previous chime loan recipients, when asked how the year with the chimes went, wrote, “It was fantastic!  What started out as one four session class became two classes, and then also an invitation to play with the third grade music program!  My supervisors for the gifted and talented program were so pleased with the chimes program that they sent the district media specialist to film both performances, and they have just ordered our own set of chimes to be used in the fall!”
So really, there is nothing to lose.  Contact us at [email protected]

Area 11 Bulletin Board

Malmark Chimes for Sale - Arizona
6 Octave Malmark Chimes for Sale in Tucson, AZ – Contact Margi Zearly for more information

Happy Summer!

School is finally out and it’s the hottest yet most relaxing time of the year! This season is the perfect opportunity to host parties, enjoy the outdoors (as long as it’s not over 100 degrees), catch up on work, hobbies, or learn something new! As a music teacher and handbell director, summer is an exciting time to attend professional development conferences, take classes, and prep for the upcoming year. Every summer I set a goal to adapt a new habit or learn something new.

This year I am teaching music at my districts three-week Title I summer school program during the month of June. As a newer teacher, I’m really excited to use this time to try new lessons, techniques, and put my skills to the test! I’ve brought six Handbell/Deskbell sets for students to accompany our songs or use them with some play along videos. Deskbells are an inexpensive and accessible way to get people ringing. I love using this diatonic set from West Music.

This summer, I’m excited to get more people ringing by teaching handbells at summer school and furthering the art of handbell ringing! I encourage you to reach out of your comfort zone these next few months and try something new! Whether it’s going on a new hike, trying a new sport, adapting a new hobby, attending National Seminar or our Area 11 Camp, the possibilities are endless! If trying something new scares you, then I encourage you to adapt a new habit. It can be as small as reaching out to a friend every day, checking your email before bed, or renewing/checking your HMA membership! If you need ideas, feel free to reach out and we can brainstorm some together! We are better together!

I hope you stay cool, keep learning, continue ringing, and enjoy the next few months of summer. If you have questions about membership or want to share your summer goals, feel free to email me at: [email protected]

Love and Bells,

Anne Kelley

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News from National


National Seminar 2023

Join us at the Westin Irving Convention Center as Los Colinas in Irving, TX (part of DFW metroplex), for National Seminar 2023.

Tuesday, July 11 – Saturday, July 15.

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Upcoming Board Meetings

June 5 – 7:30pm MDT

Newsletter Archive

Click here to see any of our previous newsletters from 2012-2021.

Articles for Newsletter

Want to share an exciting experience or tips and tricks with our handbell community?

Deadline to add articles for the newsletter is the 25th of the previous  month.  Articles may be submitted  to the Communications Chair in .doc format and with an picture of the author in .jpg format.